Welcome to St. James' Parish



8AM Holy Eucharist, St. Mark’s Chapel
10AM Holy Eucharist, St. James’ Church
11:30AM Adult Forum in the Parish Library
9:00AM Bible Study on Zoom (link in weekly update email)
9:30AM Morning Prayer, St. James’ Church


What St. James' Means To Me

“To me St. James’ Parish means family. It’s a place to gather with family where we can explore who God is, who we are, and who God is calling us to be. St. James’ Parish is a place for our family to gather and worship a loving God.”

“Safe Haven – a place to feel secure, happy, peaceful and fellowship. The sense of community brings the feeling of ‘Home’ and serenity.”

“The St. James’ church family is the backbone of our spiritual and social life. I am spiritually fed and encouraged by what I learn. It is a place to server others in the spirit of the Lord. It is a place to be a friend to others and receive the love and support we have needed over the years, especially in the hard times we all face.”

“That’s easy…it is God’s house…my ‘Christian’ home away from home…where I worship and where I find love and Christian fellowship!”

“St. James’ provides a spiritual home where our faith is nourished, our knowledge and love of Jesus Christ is enriched, and opportunities for ministry abound. Our call to love and serve the Lord is renewed here and is a constant reminder of serving others.”

“I love that the doors are always open to anyone. I love the building, the history, the liturgy, the stories, the people and especially the music.”

“St. James’ blesses me — by superior clergy, by outstanding outreach, by wonderful fellowship and music, by historic surroundings, and by an exceptional sense of community.”

“St. James’ is a place where my family feels at ‘home,’ safe and nurtured. It has given us a place to grow spiritually and a place where we have made valuable, lifelong friends.”

“St. James’ is a place of unconditional love. A place where you can grow spiritually. And a community that you can always count on.”

“St. James’ has become a family to me. This is what Christ wanted and hoped for his family – that we care for and nurture one another.”

Welcome to St. James'!

Recent Announcements



MESSY CHURCH UPDATE: With a few inches of snow expected tomorrow, and with the worst of it supposed to arrive right at 4pm, we've had to make the sad decision to cancel Messy Church tomorrow. Please...

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Amazing Grays Luncheon, December 10th

The next Amazing Grays luncheon will be held on Tuesday, December 10, at 11:30am in Ticknor Hall. It will be a festive gathering with a fun craft, caroling and great food! If anyone would like to...

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St. James’ Parish is as diverse as our 300+ years of history. We draw from the Annapolis area and as far south as Calvert County. We have over 325 families and individuals. At the same time we are striving to remain a parish where everyone feels connected and a part of a vibrant Christian Community. Our parish emphasizes “Remembering the Past, Living our faith, and Worshipping into the Future”. In the midst of the Eucharist each Sunday, we clearly proclaim “This is not our table, it is the Lord’s, and everyone is Welcome”. The Eucharist is extended to young and older, for we are all God’s children. We are Sisters and Brothers in Christ and as such it is essential that we relate to each other as a family.


What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your God?